Carbonfuture is an end-to-end platform for companies who want to participate in removing carbon from the atmosphere. We offer access to premium carbon removal and participation in the world's most cutting-edge community to enable you to reach your climate goals in a transparent, reliable and verifiable way. Our digital platform enables tracking, documentation and measurement.
Carbonfuture is specifically bootstrapping the much-needed carbon removal market and fixing the trust issue by providing high quality, long-term carbon removal credits. We are serving companies and organizations to accomplish their net zero goals effectively. Efficacy in combination with carbon removal translates into persistence. This means that the longevity of the carbon sink you choose is key. Our current C-sinks rely on a nature-based approach called biochar. When used in agricultural soils, for example in the form of substrates, as an additive to compost or liquid manure, or via use as a feed additive, its carbon is stable for centuries. Apart from its many co-benefits, biochar also represents a particularly interesting removal approach, by being a permanent sink technology that is widely scientifically understood, accurately quantified, and already scaling today. Guided by the latest science and the principles of transparency and trust, our modelling quantifies the permanence of biochar using conservatively calculated sink values. This means, we apply a decay rate of 0.3% per annum. The resulting sequestration curve, i.e. the graph showing us the amount of carbon that stays sequestered or stored over time, lets us account for a sink duration of 100 years. In reality, biochar in soil is very likely to be more stable (have a lower decay rate), we simply decide to be more honest about what we can account for. With our blockchain-based technology we have the opportunity to set the industry standard in documentation, tracking and trading. We are also the most flexible carbon removal marketplace and platform. Carbon sink creators are the main asset holders in the new carbon removal economy. More and more of them are capable of directly selling their credits to balancers.
To preserve the world as we know it, the international scientific community as well as governments and heads of state have agreed that the Paris goal of keeping average global temperature rise to 1.5° above pre-industrial levels must be upheld. In order to meet this target of a net-zero future – our only future – not only countries but companies and organizations alike need to set science-based net-zero aligned emissions reductions targets. We must halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions before 2050. Only then will we have achieved our 1.5° goal. The recent IPCC Special Report – the global authority on climate science – specifically lists that apart from deep and rapid emission cuts, this pathway will only be achieved by integrating carbon removal for residual and historic emissions. At Carbonfuture, we give companies and organizations the tools they need to meet their net zero goals in an impactful and effective way – the only way allegeable to mitigate climate change. However, the current carbon credit market is broken. It is focused on CO2 emission avoidance or offsets and has failed to shift industries at large to cleaner, climate friendly operations. What is needed are serious net zero goal strategies and implementations: carbon removal offerings. The removals market is nascent, and transactions currently range in the thousands tonne range. The IPCC estimates that by 2050, tens of gigatonnes of CO2 removal worldwide per year need to be available to maintain both net zero goals and to clean up historic emissions.